In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the fusion of blockchain technology and digital media stands as an intriguing beacon, signaling a future rich with innovation and transformation. This nexus promises to redefine content creation, distribution, and monetization in ways previously...
Art is born from everything natural or not in our life. By seeing an insignificant thing, an artist could modify it into an attractive art object. As the best artist is God, the human body he created is also used as an art object by photography, drawing, painting, and so many other ways. Let's...
You are working on a project, and the use of a painting software is important to finish the project. As a beginner, even for the professional, it is not always easy to choose a good software. Let's discover together some best software that are useful to create digital paints.
Artrage Lite...
Throughout the multiple confinements we've endured, we've been able to count on the release of several films and series to lift our spirits.
A series under the leadership of Alex Pina
You surely remember him, the creator of the successful series "la cassa de Papel". A series that has met with...
The young author's first novel was praised by critics and won the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize.
About the Writer
Born on August 26, 1090 as Raven Leilani Baptiste into a family of artists, the young girl quickly turned to art. Hoping to become a visual artist, she went to art school. In...
Art is a set of procedures, knowledge and rules concerning the exercise of any activity or action. Any activity, any conduct considered as a set of rules, methods to be observed: to live well, to love, to think is an art. art in general is multidimensional. there are: culinary art, dental art,...